Lung Diseases

Lung Cancer Screening

Early Lung Cancer Action Program (Linksfield-ELCAP)               IA Schewitz 

This is a proposal for a lung cancer screening and anti-smoking program. 

Lung cancer background

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer in both men and women in the United States, killing more people than cancers of the breast, colon, cervix and prostate combined.

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Annual CT Screening for Lung Cancer

Landmark Study Reveals That Lung Cancer 10-Year Survival Dramatically Improves With Annual CT Screening and Prompt Treatment

For more information, call: 212-746-2638 or 212-746-1379

NEW YORK (Oct. 20, 2006) - Lung cancer can be detected at its very earliest stage in 85 percent of patients using annual low-dose CT screening, and when followed by prompt surgical removal the 10-year survival rate is 92 percent.

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Things you Should Know: Lung Cancer Facts

  • The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimated that in 2005 there would be 172,570 new cases of lung cancer and 163,510 deaths. This indicates a cure rate of roughly 5%.

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Definition   A pneumothorax is collection of air or gas in the space surrounding the lungs.

Pneumothorax occurs when air leaks from inside of the lung to the space between the lung and the chest wall. The lung then collapses. The dark side of the chest (right side of the picture) is filled with air that is outside of the lung tissue.
Pneumothorax may result from chest trauma, excessive pressure on the lungs, or an underlying

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